
The project, which commenced in October 2022, is funded by the European Commission and overseen by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) as part of the Horizon Europe programme. It operates under the framework of the programme’s pillar on scientific excellence (call HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-05), aimed at enhancing the research and innovation capabilities of higher education institutions, countries, and their respective ecosystems.

E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators engages with a diverse array of individuals and entities, including academic institutions, regional authorities, companies, European research and innovation (R&I) networks, and regional innovation ecosystems. Committed to scientific excellence and research integrity, E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators collaborates within its cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral R&I networks to promote present and future R&I competencies, skills, resources, methods, training, services, and management for collaborative research and open innovation aimed at fostering smart and sustainable regions.

Over the course of the 36-month project duration, E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators intends to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing research and innovation landscape in this region of Europe. This assessment will focus on critical areas such as infrastructure, equipment, human resources, activities, RD&I (Research, Development, and Innovation) initiatives, groups and networks, as well as Open Science policies and practices, and societal engagement.

Our team includes the 6 original partners of the E³UDRES² Alliance:

Project coordinator and WP1 |Leader: Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (IPS), Portugal
WP2 |Leader: Fachhochschule St Pölten GMBH (STPUAS), Austria
WP3 |Leader: Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (MATE), Hungary
WP4 |Leader: Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara (UPT), Romania
WP5 |Leader: UC Limburg (UCLL), Belgium
WP6 |Leader: Vidzemes Augstskola (ViA), Latvia

Project Content

The project team is divided into 6 work packages (WP) with specific work focuses:

WP1 | Leader: Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (IPS), Portugal. The Project Coordinator oversees all WPs’ implementation and ensures compliance with EC Grant and Consortium Agreements.

WP2 | Leader: Fachhochschule St Pölten GMBH (STPUAS), Austria. Evaluate ongoing projects to assess effectiveness in engaging researchers, students, stakeholders, and citizens, guiding priority areas for E³UDRES².
WP3 | Leader: Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (MATE), Hungary. Ensures efficient RD&I collaboration through strategic planning to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
WP4 | Leader: Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara (UPT), Romania. Assessess partner institutions’ readiness for Open Science/Open Innovation/Open Education, drafting a common strategy.
WP5 | Leader: UC Limburg (UCLL), Belgium. Develops engagement models for citizen science projects, fostering participation and feedback.
WP6 | Leader: Vidzemes Augstskola (ViA), Latvia. Manages human resources and R&I ecosystems to establish E³UDRES² as a recognized open R&I platform.

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In line with its vision, mission, core values, culture, and principles, the E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators project aims to co-create a more targeted joint research and innovation strategy and a common agenda to accelerate the transformation into a European multi-institutional Research and Innovation Hub for Smart and Sustainable Regions.

Strengthening research and innovation, promoting inclusive and participative dialogues with our institutions and regions, and employing innovative and future-oriented co-creation methodologies.
To achieve this, we:

Co-create a common strategy and agenda that unlocks our potential for excellence in Research and Innovation, to accelerate the transformation into a multi-institutional European Research and Innovation Centre for Smart and Sustainable Regions;
Develop best practices and a strategy for pooling research infrastructures, expertise, data and resources and for collaborating with/getting access to other strategic research infrastructures;

Develop structured support programmes aimed at empowering our scientific communities to fully embrace Open Science (OS), Open Innovation (OI), Open Education (OE), Engaged Science and Engaged Education; 

Work to achieve a level playing field in terms of institutional strategies and policies for Human Resources for Research, from which we will be able to address bigger challenges, such as brain mobility, new career assessments and joint recruitment strategies;

Develop a structured and integrated framework to seamlessly link all our R&I ecosystems and the E3UDRES2 alliance’s knowledge triangle of education, research and innovation;

Along our pathway to build a common R&I agenda, be connected and dialogue with peer Alliances and HEIs, HEI associations and advocacy groups, and policy-makers with a view to contribute with evidence based results to the co-creation of future EEA/ERA (European Education Area/European research area) work programmes and to inform better policies.


The project embraces a transdisciplinary approach, involving partners from diverse backgrounds. A common language and knowledge base are established to facilitate participatory engagement. The consortium expands its R&I networks, promoting novel approaches for collaborative research and innovation. Emphasis is placed on empowering researchers, learners, and stakeholders to engage in European collaborations. Co-creation ecosystems, such as I-Living Labs, are established to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. These labs adopt a systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and innovation processes with real-life use cases. Additionally, workshops, questionnaires, and events are organized to gather input from experts and stakeholders across various sectors.


The expected results of the project are the joint development of strategies, associated with five different transformation modules, as well as the execution of the respective pilot programs, to “unlock our potential for excellence in research and innovation, to accelerate the transformation in a European Multi-institutional Research and Innovation Center for Smart and Sustainable Regions.


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